Dramaturgy is about nurturing the internal essence and integrity of an art work. Producing is about creating the conditions for that essence to affect an audience within the constraints of time, money, space, and people. Both of these terms come from a theatre lineage, but they can be applied to other art forms and creative projects.
Developmental Editing or New Work Dramaturgy
In theatre, we might call this New Work Dramaturgy, where in publishing you’d call it developmental editing. If you have a work that is early enough in its development that you need support around the purpose, structure, meaning-making, and shape, I can help you move through to the next phase of your process.
Research Dramaturgy
You’re working on a piece that requires substantial research and you need someone to assemble that information in an accessible and useful way.
Artistic Producing
Artistic producing involves working with you from early in the process to strategize how your work will interact with an audience and how to execute it. This can include many of the services listed under “communications” as well as budgeting, hiring and contracting collaborators, fundraising, etc.
Line Producing
Line producing is when you have an event or project and you need someone to coordinate the logistics on the ground. Think of this as similar to a day-of wedding coordinator, where an artistic producer is a wedding planner.
Copy Editing and Proofreading
Where developmental editing is more structural, copy editing and proofreading are about technical execution and polish. As a copy editor or proofreader, I can take a piece of text that is in a strong place with regards to content, structure, and meaning-making and polish it so it’s error free, consistent, and matches your style guide.
Work Sample